UCCS fuels SUCCESS 2021 Marketing Campaign

2021 Marketing Campaign


UCCS Marketing Campaign Toolkit

They say success breeds success. And we couldn’t agree more. But success doesn’t just come from anywhere. You have to find it and you have to earn it. To be successful, you have to have the right tools in place. With our smaller class sizes, courses based on student outcomes, and nationally ranked graduate and undergraduate programs, we don’t just believe in success: we fuel it.

Updated January, 2021

These marketing campaign guidelines create a standard of usage for campaign graphics, colors and typography in order to maintain the look and feel of the UCCS fuels SUCCESS marketing campaign across different mediums. In order to represent the campaign in a consistent manner, use these guidelines as a starting point for all marketing campaign communication.

You can request access to the asset library for desktop publishing, or request access to campaign assets in Canva, Adobe Express, or Adobe Cloud Library

Please contact us at brand@uccs.edu with any questions related to the use of the campaign guidelines and assets, or any other questions or needs. 


Marketing Campaign Guidelines

Read through the Marketing Campaign Guidelines (PDF)

Campaign Guidelines (PDF)

Digital Assets & Downloads

Download high quality marketing campaign digital assets

Digital Asset Library

Contact University Marketing

Contact University Marketing with questions about the campaign

Contact University Marketing

Email Signature


Right-click to save the email signature graphic.
Find out more about using the tagline in your email signature


Digital Media

Campaign Video

Campaign Radio
a mock-up of our ad playing on spotify and pandora platforms


Video Ads

Hands-on Learning

Innovative Courses

Flexible Courses

Questions about advertising? Reach out to our University Marketing Department